How to Use Grape Seed Extract for Health

How to Use Grape Seed Extract for Health

Grape seed extract specifically refers to a class of chemicals called phlyphenols, particularly a subclass called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs). These compounds are found in the seeds of common grapes (vitis vinifera) and less commonly in pine bark. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Know the historical uses of OPCs. They have a wide variety of therapeutic benefits attributed to them, including the treatment of allergies, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, cataracts and ulcers. OPCs are also reputed to slow the aging process.


Learn the results from modern scientific testing. Some human studies appear to show that OPCs may be beneficial in the treatment of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Other research has shown that the antioxidant properties of OPCs may also limit damage to the body caused by drugs, pollution and other toxins. The American Heart Association has advised that a proper diet is more effective than supplements as a means of getting antioxidants.


Study the side effects of OPCs. Clinical studies have shown mild side effects like abdominal pain, coughing, headaches, nausea and sore throats. Since OPCs may thin the blood, their use with anticoagulants needs to be carefully monitored to prevent uncontrolled bleeding.


Take no more than the recommended dosage of grape seed extract. Although large dosages are not associated with severe side effects, this has not been well documented in humans. Capsules usually contain 50 or 100 mg and the recommended dosage is usually 200 mg/day or less.