How to Stretch High Heels

How to Stretch High Heels

Many women find themselves walking around in high heel shoes that are a bit too small. This causes both pain and discomfort. While women want to look great, it's equally important that their high heel shoes fit right. The good news is that stretching those high heel shoes can make them fit your feet perfectly.


Check to see if your high heel shoes are made out of natural materials, such as leather or suede. These are the easiest materials to stretch and create the best results.


Determine if you need to stretch the width or length of your high heel shoes. There are shoe stretchers that stretch different parts of the shoe. There is also a two-way shoe stretcher that stretches both the width and length of the shoe.


Buy the appropriate wooden high heel shoe stretcher at a local shoe store. Find a stretcher that is close to the same size and shape of your actual foot because your high heel shoe will stretch to fit this shape.


Purchase a shoe stretching liquid or spray and use it on your high heel shoes before putting in the shoe stretcher. This liquid soaks the high heel shoes and enables the shoe stretcher to stretch the material.


Insert the wooden high heel shoe stretcher. Turn the knob of the stretcher to begin stretching your high heel shoes and leave the stretcher in overnight.


Try on your high heel shoes to see if they fit. If your shoes are still too small, stretch them again for a longer period of time.

Tips & Warnings

It's not hard to stretch your own high heel shoes, but it does take a little practice. First try stretching an inexpensive pair of high heel shoes and then move onto the rest after you have the process under control.